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What it should look like in the notebook!

Cards should be colored the way they are in the picture above.

Notes for Writing Inside Templates

nouns – words that name people, places,

things, and ideas

ex. man, museum, leash, love

verbs – words that express an action or

state of being

ex. jump, hide, seem, is, are

adjectives – describing words; words

that modify nouns or pronouns

ex. pretty, brown, lazy, awesome

adverbs – words that modify verbs,

adjectives, or other adverbs

ex. softly, always, very, too

prepositions – words that show a

relationship between a noun or pronoun

and another word in the sentence

ex. about, at, before, in, under

conjunctions – words that join other

words or groups of words

ex. and, but, or, so, yet

interjections – words used to express


ex. Wow! Ouch! Hooray!

Template for the Parts of Speech

Interactive Notebook