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Animals and Insects


Using the Right Word, Subject-Verb Agreement

Original Sentence

Every year millions of trees are planted by squirrels who buries nuts and then forgets ware they put them.

Corrected Sentence

Every year millions of trees are planted by squirrels that bury nuts and then forget where they put them.



Using the Right Word, Parallelism, Plurals

Original Sentence

Sum kindes of ants rule other ants; they attack them, kidnap them, and then are keeping them as slaves.

Corrected Sentence

Some kinds of ants rule other ants; they attack them, kidnap them, and keep them as slaves.



Using the Right Word, Adjective (Articles), Pronoun (Reflexive)

Original Sentence

A aunt can lift 50 times its own wait all by himself.

Corrected Sentence

An ant can lift 50 times its own weight all by itself.

Comma (Unnecessary), Using the Right Word

Original Sentence

A cockroach, can live four several weaks without it's head.

Corrected Sentence

A cockroach can live for several weeks without its head.


Using the Right Word, Comma (Between Independent Clauses)

Original Sentence

Ants wake up in the mourning and they yawn and stretch before going off too work.

Corrected Sentence

Ants wake up in the morning, and they yawn and stretch before going off to work.



Comma (Between Independent Clauses), Adjective (Articles), Plurals, Pronoun (Reflexive), Parallelism, Using the Right Word

Original Paragraph

Squirrels devote lots of time to food-searching for it, burying it, then they search for it again.  The seed and nuts they enjoy are scarce in winter but abundant in autumn so they store large food supplys in the ground.  Every year milliones of trees are planted by squirrels who bury seeds and nuts and then were forgetting where they put them.  But if they have a good memory and an sharp sense of smell, they can retrieve the hidden food for their selfs during a winter.

Corrected Paragraph

Squirrels devote lots of time to food-searching for it, burying it, then searching for it again.  The seeds and nuts they enjoy are scarce in winter but abundant in autumn, so they store large food supplies in the ground.  Every year millions of trees are planted by squirrels that bury seeds and nuts and then forget where they put them.  But if they have a good memory and a sharp sense of smell, they can retrieve the hidden food for themselves during the winter.


Mug Shot Sentences            January 4th