Author's Purpose
Interactive Notebook, p. 49 & 50
Directions for Activity 1 that goes on p. 49
1. Cut out foldable along the entire perimeter.
2. Color 'Persuade' green; 'Entertain' red, 'Inform' blue, 'Author's Purpose' orange, 'Easy as Pie' yellow.
3. With the writing facing down, fold in each triangle toward the middle of the pentagon.
4. Trace around the triangles with the color that was used on the outside.
5. Lift one tab at a time and
write the definition for each structure onto the open section of the pentagon.
On the back of the triangle tab, write the
examples for purpose. Use the "Notes for Writing Inside Foldables" chart
for the information.
6. After notes are written, glue into the interactive notebook.
Notes for Writing Inside Foldable
Definition - the author wants you to do, buy, or believe something
Examples - advertisements, persuasive letters, opinions, campaign speeches
Definition - the author wants to give you information
Examples - textbooks, non-fiction books, expository essays, biographies,
newspaper articles, directions
Definition - the author wants to amuse you or for you to enjoy the writing
Examples - fiction stories, poems, songs, plays, jokes, narratives
Directions for Activity 2 on p. 50
1. Color Persuade - Green, Inform - Blue, Entertain - Red.
2. Cut out each of the purpose pockets around the perimeter.
3. Begin layering and gluing in the pockets from the top down. You'll only need a few dots of glue around the perimeter of the pocket (on the back of the outlined narrow sides) but not at the top above the purpose since this part will be open and for inserting cards.
4. Continue to stagger the pockets down the page until all 3 are glued on 3 sides and left open at the top.
5. Cut out the sort cards and place them in the proper pockets.
Interactive Notebook What's Going On?