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p. 63

1.  Read the paragraph silently numbering the sentences in order with your pencil first.

2.  Have students identify first procedure and underline it with blue.  On second template, outline the 1 box with blue and paraphrase the first procedure in the box.

3.  Have students identify the second procedure and underline it in green.  On second template, outline the 2 box with green and paraphrase the second procedure in the box.

4.  Have students identify the third procedure and underline it in yellow.  On second template, outline the 3 box with yellow and paraphrase the third procedure in the box.

5.  Have students identify the fourth procedure and underline it in orange.  On second template, outline the 4 box with orange and paraphrase the fourth procedure in the box.

6.  Have students identify the fifth procedure and underline it in red.  On second template, outline the 5 box with red and paraphrase the fifth procedure in the box.

7.  Have students identify the sixth procedure and underline it in purple.  On second template, outline the 6 box with purple and paraphrase the sixth procedure in the box.

8.  Cut out the paragraph and glue it down on p. 63.

9.  Now cut out the second template and glue the edges down leaving the middle free.  Cut according to the picture below.

top template              bottom template

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