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Compare & Constrast Paragraphs

Interactive Notebook, p. 61

1. The top (vertical Venn diagram) and bottom (paragraph) of this template will go together like those in previous lessons except for that the tabs to glue together are at the top and bottom and the organizer swings open from the top and bottom instead of sides. I still recommend completing and color coding the top and annotating the bottom before gluing together.

2. When color coding a compare and contrast paragraph, I like to use three consecutive colors so that the middle color (similarities) has something in common with the two colors on either side, such as green in the middle and blue and yellow on the outsides.

3.  Underline the way they are alike in green; the text messaging information in blue, and the phone calling information in yellow.  Once you have underlined everything, on the Venn Diagram, tell how they are alike in the middle and how they are different in the outside.

3.  Then, simply cut, glue, and snip the horizontal line in the middle.


   Top               Bottom

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